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User:Hayabusa future

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
idPengguna ini merupakan penutur ibu bahasa Indonesia.
en-3This user can contribute with an advanced level of English.
ms-2Pengguna ini boleh menyumbang dengan taraf yang sederhana dalam Bahasa Melayu.

Name: WiIIiam Arya

Location: Medan, Indonesia & Melbourne, Australia

I do mostly interwikis to Indonesian Wikipedia.


Pic of the day...

The Monarch of the Glen
The Monarch of the Glen is an oil-on-canvas painting of a red deer stag completed in 1851 by the English painter Sir Edwin Landseer. It was commissioned as part of a series of three panels to hang in the Palace of Westminster in London. As one of the most popular paintings throughout the 19th century, it sold widely in reproductions in steel engraving, and was finally bought by companies to use in advertising. The painting had become something of a cliché by the mid–20th century, as the "ultimate biscuit tin image of Scotland: a bulky stag set against the violet hills and watery skies of an isolated wilderness", according to the Sunday Herald. The work is now in the Scottish National Gallery in Edinburgh.Painting credit: Edwin Landseer